Declare Variable Filter



Create a new variable named VariableName with scope VariableScope which does Not save its values between process sessions.

If it saves its values, they will be written to disk every TimeInterval.




If VariableName or VariableScope parameters are missing, blank, or invalid, the filter is disabled.

If TimeInterval is missing, 10 min will be used as default save interval.

A variable is actually an associative array of values under the specified VariableName in VariableScope.

According to the VariableName and the VariableScope parameters, a full variable name is generated.

For example,

Full name of variable with ECS scope named var1 will be ECSName:var1

Full name of variable with ECA scope named var1 will be ECSName/ECAName:var1

Full name of variable with local scope named var1 will be ECSName/ECAName/FilterStackName:var1

Variables can have one of the following scope levels: ECS, ECA, local(filter stack).

A variable declared with ECS scope is "seen" inside the entire ECS.

A variable declared with ECA scope is "seen" only in that ECA.

A variable declared with local scope is "seen" only inside the filter stack in which it is declared.



<filter objectId="declare" type="DeclareVariableFilter">
	<parameter type="VariableName">var</parameter>
	<parameter type="VariableScope">ECS</parameter>
	<parameter type="Not"/>
	<parameter type="TimeInterval">