Overflow Routing Filter



Route any events after Threshold events per TimeInterval to DestinationName.




This filter routes all events that exceed a Threshold of events during a TimeInterval to a DestinationName.

Only the Threshold number of events will be passed through the filter for each time period.

If Threshold is less or equal to 0 or DestinationName is invalid, the filter will be disabled.

For example,

If Threshold is 100 and TimeInterval is 5 seconds, then the first 100 events during the 5 second time interval will pass through the filter, and the remaining events will be forwarded to the destination.



<filter objectId="case1" type="OverflowRoutingFilter">
	<parameter type="Threshold">100</parameter>
	<parameter type="TimeInterval">
	<parameter type="DestinationName">session-out1</parameter>