Substitute String Filter - v2



If event matches Condition substitute every occurrence of Expression in FieldName with Expression.




If FieldName is missing, blank, or invalid, do nothing.

The first Expression is interpreted as a regular expression.

The second Expression is a literal character sequence which may include new line (\n) or other special characters.

First String = "gl[ia]de"
FieldName = "ev:msg"
Second String = "-----"

Event before:
ev:msg = "This is a glade but not a glide"

Event after:
ev:msg = "This is a ----- but not a -----"

For more information on Regular Expressions, please see Sun's regular expression patterns summary.



<filter objectId="case1" type="SubstituteStringFilter-v2">
	<parameter autoSetDescription="false" comments="Add comments for Condition..." description="app=case1" type="Condition">
	<parameter autoSetDescription="true" comments="Add comments for Expression..." description="gl[ia]de" type="Expression">
	<parameter type="FieldName">ev:msg</parameter>
	<parameter autoSetDescription="true" comments="Add comments for Expression..." description="-----" type="Expression">