Regular Expression Filter



If event matches Condition set event fields by matching regular expression against existing fields, as specified by FieldNameRegExpList.




If source field in a FieldNameRegExpList triplet is unspecified or empty, do nothing. Otherwise, the regular expression will be matched against the source field. If a match is found, the destination field is set to the matched string. For each additional match, a new field is created, with the name of the destination field concatenated with a trailing number starting with one and incrementing for each match.

For more information on Regular Expressions, please see Sun's regular expression patterns summary.



<filter objectId="Filter.RegExp" type="RegularExpressionFilter">
	<parameter type="Condition">
	<parameter type="FieldNameRegExpList">
		<FieldNameRegExpMatch> <!--  0 to N of these  -->
			<RegExp>"\b\S+\b"</regexpEventField> <!-- break into words -->