Component Tree

The Component Tree is a folder-like structure where the ECS, ECAs and their objects are structurally displayed in several levels:

Operations on the Component tree are performed by selecting the objects with the left mouse button or using the context (right mouse button) menu, which is specific for each level.


Host Level

When the host is selected, the Host page is opened in the right frame of the ECA Editor. The Host page shows the ECS that is running on the current host and enables the user to separately restart it.

On the host level, there are also two executable context menu commands:

• Expand Tree - which expands all the levels on a Component Tree

• Collapse Tree - which collapses all the levels of the Component Tree

 These two commands are also available from all the other levels of the Component Tree.


ECS Level

On the ECS level, two more commands are available:

• Insert ECA - opens the ECS page which displays the information on the ECA's that are on the ECS and enables the user to insert an existing ECA or create and insert a new ECA into the ECS. The user can also open the ECS page by simply clicking on the ECS object on the Component Tree.

• Reload ECA's - enables the user to reload all the ECA's on the ECS. This command is potentially dangerous, because any unsaved changes will be lost when reloading.


ECA Level

Selecting an ECA on the Component tree displays the collapsible ECA Summary in the right frame.

ECA level context menu commands are:

• Save ECA - saves all changes on the selected ECA. Saved changes are not effective until the ECS is restarted.

• Save ECA as – Opens the “Save ECA as” page, giving the user the option to save the ECA under different name. The user can also choose whether to insert the new ECA into the ECS immediately or just save it to disk. However, if the user chooses to insert the ECA into the ECS, the ECA will not run until the ECS is restarted.

• Delete - removes the ECA from the ECS (but does not stop the ECA from running until the ECS is restarted). This option does not erase an ECA from the disk.

• Publish ECA – saves the ECA in an encrypted form. This is suitable (and recommended) for commercial distribution.


System Object Group Level

A System Object groups are Sources, Filter Stacks and Destinations. Filter Stacks are a specific case, since no filter can be outside of a Filter Stack. Therefore, the Filter Stacks group contains other groups – one or more Filter Stacks, each of which consists of one or more filters.

When a System Object Group is selected, an Object List is opened in the right frame.

Previously copied or cut System Objects can be pasted into a group. The Object must be of the correct type (Source, Destination, Filter Stack or Filter).


System Object Level

When selecting an individual object on the System Object Tree, the Object List for its System Object Group is opened.

The context menu commands (right mouse button) for the System Object level of the Component Tree are:

• Delete - removes the selected System Object from the ECA.

• Disable/Enable - disables/enables the functionality of the current System Object.

• Cut/Copy - cuts/copies the selected system object.

• Paste - pastes the previously copied/cut object in the selected system object's group.  The Object is always pasted as the last object in the group. Again, the object must be of the correct type (Source, Destination, Filter Stack or Filter).

• Move (to top, up, down, to bottom) - Changes the position of a System Object inside its group. For the filters, the relative position determines the order of execution (the first filter listed is executed first on an incoming event, then the second filter, etc.).